Workshops in St. Andrews:
Quantifying the power to detect change using the MRSeaPower package.
Bespoke workshops on statistical modelling for decision makers (SNH and Natural England)
Introduction to Statistical Modelling (Taught both in St Andrews and charitable teaching abroad)
Spatial Modelling Methods for Correlated Data
Using the R package MRSea (Marine Renewables Strategic environmental assessment)
Introduction to Distance Sampling
Workshops Abroad:
Introduction to Statistical Modelling. Charitable teaching
Kruger National Park, South Africa (2011)
University of Cape Town, South Africa (2013)
Universidade Lúrio, Pemba, Mozambique (2014)
University of Nairobi, Kenya (2013)
University of Limpopo, South Africa (2014)
Also taught by others in Ghana (2014)
University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg (2015)
NUST, Windhoek, Namibia (2016)
Spatial Modelling Methods for Correlated Data (Ireland, 2015)
University of St. Andrews teaching
MT5761/MT5753. Statistical Modelling (LM, GLM, Multinomial)
MT5764/MT5757. Advanced Data Analysis (GAM, spatially adaptive smoothing, GEEs, GAMMs)
MT5763 Software for Data Analysis
MT1007/MT5762. Introduction to Statistics (1st year/Masters level)
MT4607 Generalised Linear Models
MT3508 Applied Statistics
GD5002 Field Methods for conservation and eco-tourism