Blend of statistics and biology
Methods for spatially adaptive smoothing in one and two dimensions in a GAM framework
Modelling species distributions in topographically complex regions
Spatially explicit power analysis
Multiple Namibian projects: tracking projects, home range analysis, annual wildlife surveys
Environmental impact and baseline analysis of offshore windfarms (UK, USA, Denmark)
Project Management
Using RCran
Functions to fit spatially adaptive smoothing splines using the exponential family of distributions and the Tweedie.
spatially explicit power analysis.
Functions to simulate new data with the same characteristics of the original (from a fitted model) and estimate the power to detect change.
University of St Andrews
Statistics upskilling programme (for PGR and Staff)
University statistics courses including introductory statistics, GLMs, GAMs and software
Field Methods for Conservation and Eco-Tourism
Workshops on software packages MRSea and MRSeaPower
Bespoke workshops for decision makers (environmental impact assessment)
University Statistician
Assistance for university planning
Analysis of university staff and student surveys
Module grade assessment
Review panel assessment